2018 Susan’s Week 1

Sunday July 15

This very Sunday France won for the second time the Foot Ball World Cup. But why do you call it Soccer?
Susan will board the plane that will bring her to France for her first trip across the Big Pond. What a way to be welcome, flags will be every where.

Monday July 16

If the plane made it in time, the TGV (Train à Grande Vitesse) experienced a technical failure and could not depart from the airport railroad station. For Susan it was not the best way to start her vacation in France. Her destination was still 400 miles south.

The SNCF, the French RR company successfully found a solution, brought in less than 2 hours a new train. We should have arrived at 7PM, we made it at 9PM. Susan was quite exhausted but she was alive. A snack, a shower, she crashed on the pillow.

Tuesday July 17

Susan woke up, and right after breakfast she was introduced a second time to my faithful Citroen, the famous 2CV. By the way, this car is a survivor, in 2014 she crossed the USA, yes she did, and in two months she made it to L.A.
The story can be found clicking here.
Anyway here we go grocery shopping.

After the grocery shopping spree, a walk on top of the hill gave Susan a pretty good view of the area where she will spend the coming weeks.
Here a view of the only remaining Antique Theater in Europe.

Wednesday July 18

After a day on the ground, a discovery from above is planned.

The plane is checked, and off we go.

Under the wing, the famous “Pont du Gard”, a Roman work of art that brought water to the city of Nîmes. This will be the first bridge of the day.

Two thousand years later, crossing the Tarn valley, the “Viaduc de Millau” links the Massif Central to the Plateau du Larzac. For more info, ask Google.

The initial plan was to have lunch in Mende. The Tour de France had decided other wise: they invaded Mende my destination airfield. So I changed my mind and flew to Candillargues, a small field where one of my favorite restaurant operates.

A Gardane de Taureau (Bull meat in a red wine sauce), a local speciality, was the dish of the day. When in Provence, do…

On the way back we flew along the Mediterranean coast line above the river Rhone Delta.

The flight is almost over, in 5 minutes the plane will land. It is almost 5 O’clock, we are ready for a glass of Rosé.

Thrusday July 19

Morning bath in the pool.

Today is an ideal day for a tour around the area in a convertible.
First stop on the border of la Vallée de la Nesque. Not as deep as the Colorado Canyon.

Not as deep, may be, but I will not jump.

Lavender fields.

On the way to the summit of the highest mountain, the Mont Ventoux.
It is so windy and dry that nothing grows.

Yes we are still on the Earth, below us, green still exists.

Almost 2000m, slightly more than 6000 feet.

On the way home, the remote village of Suzette.

Remote and small. This house is at the same time a restaurant on the ground floor and the Town House on the second.

A XII century chapel.

Friday July 20

France still is Catholic country. Fish is a Friday tradition. Here in Provence, it is locally interpreted with a dish called Aioli. A must.

Another tradition, the after noon nap.

Saturday July 21

Hoops, no pictures!

Sunday July 22

An abandoned quarry has been restructured to accommodate light shows.

Today Picasso.

Confirmed, Picasso.

On the way to the sea side a Roman Aquaduct.

As the water refuses to climb hills, a canal had to be dug.

Finally we made it in time for lunch in a village called “les Saintes Maries de la Mer”.
Tourist area and high season, we were not sure we could be fed.

Not sure, but we got fed. Oysters as apetizer.

Salad as main dish. Rosé as beverage. Any complain?

Ready to return home in style.

Next week ->
